
Proceedings of 1st international Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICRTETM-2K23)


Mr. S. Ajith Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stella Mary’s College of Engineering

Mr. J. Starlin Deva Prince, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stella Mary’s College of Engineering

Mr. E. Bravin Daniel, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stella Mary’s College of Engineering

Mr. E. Prakash, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stella Mary’s College of Engineering.

Organized by: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stella Mary’s College of Engineering, Aruthenganvilai, Azhikal Post
Kanyakumari District – 629 202, Tamilnadu, India.

Date of Conference: September 14 & 15, 2023

ISBN: 978-81-965552-4-5


About the Conference:

This International Conference “ICRTETM 2K23” aims to bring together experts, researchers, scholars, and students from various fields to exchange ideas, share their research findings, and explore the latest trends and challenges in their respective fields.


Paper ID. Title Page No.
2TME058 Characterization and Production of Bioethanol from Manila Tamarind Leaf through Fermentation

N.Kanthavelkumaran, S.Mathu Kumar, S.Iyyappan

2TME059 Modal and Spectrum analysis of vibration-free transportation system using Finite Element Analysis

S Mathu Kumar,V A Nagarajan, S.Iyyappan

PR2T101 Pneumatic Powered Clamping using Toggle Mechanism

Mithru Suriya C S, Lithin Raj S, Iyyappan S, Mathu Kumar S

PR2T102 Pneumatic Operated Polymer Composites Casting Machine

Tamilraj V, Mathu Kumar S, Iyyappan S, Ramesh Babu V

PR2T103 Pick & Place Robot with Pneumatic Power for Commercial Applications

AbhiramGopan B G, Iyyappan S, Mathu Kumar S, Kanthavelkumaran N

PR2T104 Design, manufacturing, mechanical testing, and in vitro assessment of 3D printed ZrO2 reinforced polylactide scaffolds

Syed Hasan Jahsir M, Sivaprakash M, Thanesh  T, Thanga Boopathi.S, Vasanth  A, Vinesh  S K

PR2T105 Manufacturing and Testing a Novel Mechanical Hand Design

Thanesh  T, Sivaprakash M, Syed Hasan Jahsir M, Thanga Boopathi.S, Vasanth  A, Vinesh  S K

PR2T106 Design and Fabrication of Mechanical Maize Decobber

Thanga Boopathi S, Sivaprakash M, Syed Hasan Jahsir M, Thanesh  T, Vasanth  A, Vinesh  S K

PR2T107 Analysis of Human Factors Engineering Industries

Vasanth  A, Sivaprakash M, Syed Hasan Jahsir M, Thanesh  T, Thanga Boopathi S, Vinesh  S K

PR2T108 Analysis of Vehicle Vibrations Caused by Both Smooth and Uneven Road Conditions

Vinesh  S K, Sivaprakash M, Syed Hasan Jahsir M, Thanesh  T, Thanga Boopathi S, Vasanth  A

PR2T109 Characterization Studies of Aluminium with Nano Graphite, Boron Carbide and Silicon Carbide Hybrid Composites

Ramesh T, Vijayan P, Ajith Kumar S, Sabareesh M, Shabin Raj A, Sajin M I

PR2T110 Characteristics of Bio Oil Production From Coconut Leaf Stalk

Renju Kumar U J, Raj Kumar S R, Ajith Kumar S, Shabin Raj A, Sajin M I, Sajith S T

PR2T111 Morphological Study of Glass Fibre and Nylon Fibre with Epoxy Composites

Sabareesh M, Siva Prakash M, Ajith Kumar S, Sajin M I, Sajith S T, Saju C S

PR2T112 Evaluation of Mechanical behaviour of Glass Fiber and Nylon Fiber Epoxy Composites

Shabin Raj A, Ajith Kumar S, Renju Kumar U J, Sajith S T, Saju C S, Shervin Kumar S

PR2T113 Synthesis and Analysis of Bio Oil from Tamarind Shell

Sajin M I, Raj Kumar S R, Ajith Kumar S, Saju C S, Shervin Kumar S, Sahaya Abison Jerin J

PR2T114 Design and Modifications of Sensing Robot for SafetyApplications

Sajith S T, Ajith Kumar S, Sajin M I, Shervin Kumar S, Sahaya Abison Jerin J, Sahaya Suthish Joy M

PR2T115 NDT from Deformed Nano Aluminium, Aluminium, Silicon Carbide and Magnesium Composites

Saju C S, P Vijayan, Ajith Kumar S, Sahaya Abison Jerin J, Sahaya Suthish Joy M, Santhosh B

PR2T116 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Glass Fiber and Nylon Fiber with Epoxy Composites

Shervin Kumar S, Starlin Deva Prince J, S Ajith Kumar, Sahaya Suthish Joy M, Santhosh B, Shovjilin K M

PR2T117 CFD Analysis of Different Shell Tubes in Heat Exchanger

Sahaya Abison Jerin J, Dhayananth Jagan C, S Ajith Kumar, Santhosh B, Shovjilin K M, Ramesh T

PR2T118 Analysing the Mechanical Properties of Nano Aluminium, Silicon Carbide, Magnesium and Aluminium Hybrid Composites

Sahaya Suthish Joy M, M Siva Prakash, S Ajith Kumar, Shovjilin K M, Ramesh T, Renju Kumar U J

PR2T119 Wear, Corrosion and Microstructural Behaviors of Al, Nano Graphite, B4c and Sic Hybrid Composites

Santhosh B, Starlin Deva Prince J, S Ajith Kumar, Ramesh T, Renju Kumar U J, Sabareesh M

PR2T120 Performance Analysis of Bio Diesel from Karanja Oil and Rubber Seed Oil using CI Engines

Shovjilin K M, S Ajith Kumar, Sahaya Abison Jerin J, Renju Kumar U J, Sabareesh M, Shabin Raj A

2TME061 Uninterrupted Location Tracking in Dead Spot Terrains using Smart Transportation Tracking and Management System

Shaik Mastan Vali, S. Rajasekaran and Mohd Rafi Ahmed

PR2T121 Design of Multipurpose Agricultural Machine Fabrication

Ajin P, Rakhesh I P, Ajin D, Ajith Kumar A, Ajith Kumar N

PR2T122 Design & Fabrication of Agriculture Equipment

Ajin.D, Rakhesh I P, Ajin P, Ajith Kumar A, Ajith Kumar N

PR2T123 Design and Analysis of Areca nut tree climber and harvesting machine

Ajith Kumar A, Rakhesh I P, Ajin P, Ajin D, Ajith Kumar N

PR2T124 Design of Solar Distillation

Ajith Kumar N, Rakhesh I P, Ajin P, Ajin D, Ajith Kumar A

PR2T125 Design and Fabrication of Floor cleaning Machine

Alto Sujan J, Rakhesh I P, Alwins Leem A, Amuthan T R

PR2T126 Power Generation using Smart Speed Breakers

Alwins Leem A, Rakhesh I P, Alto Sujan J, Amuthan T R

PR2T127 Design and Fabrication of Mechanical Power Generation Systems using Footsteps

Amuthan T R, Rakhesh I P, Alto Sujan J, Alwins Leem A

PR2T128 Design and Fabrication of Electric Power Generator, using the Road as a Clean Energy Source

Anish  N, Rakhesh I P, Anish  T, Ajin Prashanth  D G, Akhilan  J V

PR2T129 Design, Fabrication and Operation of Fishing Gears

Anish  T, Rakhesh I P, Anish  N, Ajin Prashanth  D G, Akhilan  J V

PR2T130 Design and Fabrication of Emergency Braking System in automobiles

Ajin Prashanth  D G, Rakhesh I P, Anish  N, Anish  T, Akhilan  J V

PR2T131 Construction and Analysis of Mobile Toilet with a Bio-Toilet System

Akhilan  J V, Rakhesh I P, Anish  N, Anish  T, Ajin Prashanth  D G

PR2T132 Heat Transfer Enhancement Techniques: A Review

C Dhayananth Jegan, J E Judith

PR2T133 Blockchain Facilitated Secured E-Voting System

C R Jothy, J E Judith, C Dhayananth Jegan

PR2T134 Smart Attendance Management System for Educational Institutions

J E Judith, C R Jothy, C Dhayananth Jegan

PR2T135 Experimental Studies on the Interfacial Bond Formation of Bimetallic Composites Fabricated by Insert Molding Process

D Sivakumar, T Sasikumar, T Raja Jeyaseelan, C Dhayananth Jegan

PR2T136 Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Potassium Nitrate for High Temperature Latent Heat Storage

T Raja Jeyaseelan, D Sivakumar, C Dhayananth Jegan

PR2T137 CFD Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for Low Temperature Applications

Siva Kishore K M, C Dhayananth Jegan, Surin S, Siljo G, Sudarsan U, Sujith T

PR2T138 A Review of Flat Plate Solar Collectors and Photovoltaic Systems using Nanofluids

Surin S, C Dhayananth Jegan, Siljo G, Sudarsan U, Sujith T, Siva Kishore K M

PR2T139 A Survey on Challenges in Energy Storage Techniques

Siljo G, C Dhayananth Jegan, Sudarsan U, Sujith T, Siva Kishore K M, Surin S

PR2T140 Design and Fabrication of Multipurpose Agricultural Machine

Sujith T, C Dhayananth Jegan, Siva Kishore K M, Surin S, Siljo G, Sudarsan U

PR2T141 Design and Fabrication of Automated Bed Control System for Patients

Sudarsan U, C Dhayananth Jegan, Sujith T, Siva Kishore K M, Surin S, Siljo G

PR2T142 Design and Fabrication of Solar Tracking System

Jeshvin G Sekhar, P Vijayan

PR2T143 Design and Fabrication of Solar Wireless Palm Tree Robot

Jeya Samuel J, P Vijayan

PR2T144 Design and Fabrication of Agricultural Equipment for Tendril Plants

Jobin Askar S, P Vijayan

PR2T145 Design and Fabrication of Bio-gas Discentration

John Kevinston J, P. Vijayan

PR2T146 Design and Analysis of Electro Magnetic Braking System

Kanish M, P Vijayan

PR2T147 Design and Fabrication of Pyrolysis System for Biomass

Kannan R, P Vijayan

PR2T148 Design and Fabrication of Multipoint Seed and Plant Sower

Karthikeyan R, P Vijayan

PR2T149 Design and Fabrication of Regenerative Braking System

Kebijoe K, P Vijayan

PR2T150 Design and Fabrication of Mechanical Robotic Arm

Kibin kumar K, P Vijayan

PR2T151 Design and Fabrication of Motorized Flywheel Operated Slotting Type Hydraulic Jack for Four Wheeler

Krithik Roshan P, P Vijayan

PR2T152 Design and Fabrication of Pulley Based Movable Crane

Leefan S, P Vijayan

PR2T153 Design and Fabrication of a Flour Filtering Machine

Libin Samuvel S, P Vijayan

PR2T154 Performance and Emission Analysis of CI Engine Using Biodiesel from Neem Seed Oil

A Lokesh, S R Raj Kumar, D P Mafin, J Lovelin

PR2T155 Examining the Influence of Bends in Cryogenic Pipelines

D P Mafin, F.Michael Raj, J Lovelin, A Lokesh

PR2T156 Characterization and Thermal Behavior of Bamboo and Nylon Fiber Epoxy Composites

J Lovelin, S Ajith Kumar, A Lokesh, D P Mafin

PR2T157 Analysis of Corrosion Behavior of Mild Steel Coated With Ni-Cu for Marine Structure

K Mahesh, F Michael, S ManiKandan, R Manohar

PR2T158 Over Speed Monitoring in Two Wheelers by RF Sensor to Engine Power OFF for Road Safety

S ManiKandan, F Michael Raj, R Manohar, K Mahesh

PR2T159 Structural Analysis on Automobile Truck Chassis with Various Cross Sections and Loading Condition

R Manohar, P Vijayan, K Mahesh, S ManiKandan

PR2T160 Flow Analysis and Uniformity Improvement in the Catalytic Convertor using Computational Fluid Dynamics

S Mariyappan, J Starlin Deva Prince, A Mathan, M Mebil

PR2T161 Evaluation of Mechanical Behavior of Polyurethane and Polyester Composites

A Mathan, E Bravin Daniel, M Mebil, S Mariyappan

PR2T162 NDT Analysis on Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite after Tensile Test

M Mebil, J Starlin Deva Prince, S Mariyappan, A Mathan

PR2T163 Performance and Emission Analysis of CI Engine Using Biodiesel with Oxidation Inhibitor

A Mohamed Azeem, P Vijayan, M Mohammed Shaheen, S MuthuKumaran

PR2T164 Implementation of Hydraulic System for Increasing Efficiency in Jigger and Jolly in Pottery Industry

S MuthuKumaran, Raj Kumar S R, A Mohamed Azeem, M MohammedShaheen

PR2T165 Design and Fabrication of a Wireless Palm Tree Robot Powered by Solar Energy

M MohammedShaheen, J Starlin Deva Prince, S MuthuKumaran, A MohamedAzeem

PR2T166 Design and Fabrication of an Tomato Seed Extraction Machine

Ajin C, Jude Vinoth V, Abinesh A, Abinesh Raj S, Abish S

PR2T167 Design and Fabrication of a Simple Pedal Operated Cassava Grater Suitable for Rural Dwellers

Abinesh A, Jude Vinoth V, Abish.R, Abishek N, Abishek R

PR2T168 Design and Fabrication of Tri-Cylinder Air Compressor

Abinesh Raj S, Jude Vinoth V, Abishek Rexon J, Ajay P S, Ajay Baskar K C

PR2T169 Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Suspension System in Two Wheelers

Abinesh S, Jude Vinoth V, Ajin Fridolin V, Ajin C, Abinesh  A

PR2T170 Design and Fabrication of Solar Dryer System for Food Preservation of Vegetables and Fruits

Abish R, Jude Vinoth V, Ajay Baskar K C, Ajin C, Ajin Fridolin  V

PR2T171 Design and Fabrication of Materials with Desired Deformation Behavior

Abishek  N, Jude Vinoth V, Ajin Fridolin V, Abinesh  S, Ajin  C

PR2T172 Design and Fabrication of Combination Fixture for Reducing Production Time in Pump Manufacturing Industries

Abishek  N, Jude Vinoth V, Ajin Fridolin V, Abinesh  S, Ajin  C

PR2T173 Design and Fabrication of Miniature Combination Lock

Abishek  Rexon J, Jude Vinoth V, Ajin Fridolin V, Abinesh  S, Ajin  C

PR2T174 Design and Fabrication of Very-Low-Cost Engineering Experiments Via 3-D Printing and Vacuum Forming

Ajay P S, Jude Vinoth V, Ajin Fridolin V, Abinesh  S, Ajin  C

PR2T175 Design, Fabrication and Applications of Soft Network Materials

Ajay Baskar K C, Jude Vinoth V, Ajin Fridolin V, Abinesh  S, Ajin  C

PR2T176 Design and Fabrication of Paper-Based Electronic Interfaces for the Water Environment

Ajin Fridolin V, Jude Vinoth V, Ajin Fridolin V, Abinesh  S, Ajin  C

PR2T177 Lean Implementation in TCL Cell

Prakash, M Sivaprakash, I P Rakesh, V Jude Vinoth

PR2T178 Experimental Investigation on Water Treatment using Cascade Filter

Sreekumara Ganapathy V S, Indira S, Jaisil K, Joshan S, Nikhil M

PR2T179 Experimental Investigation on Effect of Partial Replacement of Marine Fouling in Concrete

N Agnes Flora, T Ragin, P Kanmani, P Anitha, M Bavithra, J S Jenisha

PR2T180 Study on Effect of Replacing 100% Natural Coarse aggregate with Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Concrete

Indira S, Sreekumara Ganapathy V S, Ajay Prajan T, SreeKarthick A, Geo Nithish S

PR2T181 Design and Fabrication of Hydraulic Press

A Paulwin, S Pon Vijaya Prabu, R V Nitheesh

PR2T182 Development of Soft Robotics for Medical Applications

P Pavisheth, G Raja Lingam, R Nithish

PR2T183 Development of Sustainable Transportation Solutions using Hydrogen Fuel Cells

G Raja Lingam, R Nithish, P Pavisheth

PR2T184 Development of Autonomous Agricultural Robots for Precision Farming

R Nithish, P Pavisheth, G Raja Lingm

PR2T185 Front Wheel Steering System with Movable Head Light

R V Nitheesh, A Paulwin, S Pon Vijaya Prabu

PR2T186 Design and Fabrication of Revolving Gate Power Generation System

S Pon Vijaya Prabu, R V Nitheesh, A Paulwin

PR2T187 Structural Investigation and HOMO-LUMO Analysis of Theophylline (a Bronchodilator Drug) through Picrate Salt

L Mary Novena, G Uthaya, AnshyTom Dhanya, Jervin Revaldo, Rushma

PR2T188 Landscapes in Romesh Gunesekera’s Novels

S A Sumi, M Mahesh

PR2T189 Design and Fabrication of Regenerative Braking System

V Jude Vinoth, E Prakash, Beslin Roosow J, Sahaya Abison Jerin J, Surin S

PR4T101 Implementation of KY Converter in a Grid Tied Solar PV Inverter

S Chithra, A S Arshya, S Dharshini, J Joselin Jenifer

PR4T102 A Unique Machine Learning Approach for the Design and Performance of Intelligent Covid-19 Attendance Devices

A R Gayathri, R Rebisha, K Renuka, M Suvatha

PR4T103 IOT Based Fire Detection System With Remote Alert Switching

M E Shajini Sheeba, I Sabareesa Priya, J Jasmine

PR2T190 A Comparative Study on Human Error Algorithms in Indian Fireworks Industry

S Ajith, E Prakash

PR2T191 Determining the Root Causes of Accidents Using Fault Tree Analysis to Improve Rail Transport Safety in India

S Ajith, E Prakash

PR2T192 Hazard and Operability Studies for Gas Flow Line in a Manufacturing Industry

Transport Safety in India

S Ajith, E Prakash

PR2T193 Assessing the Risk and Probable Human Error in Indian Fireworks Industry

S Ajith, E Prakash

PR2T194 Damage Quantification using Fire & Explosion Index in Fertilizer Industry

S Ajith, E Prakash

PR2T195 Experimental Investigation on Axially Loaded Passive Piles

R K Madhumathi, A Amala Raju Arul, M Ashni, Pon Partheeban, Anse Michael

PR2T196 Electrical Power Generation from Revolving Door

S Nithish, E Prakash

PR2T197 Computerized Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Ship-to-Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction

E Bravin Daniel,  J Starlin Deva Prince Prince, F Michael Raj

PR2T198 Design and Implementation of Solar Based Pest Controller

E Bravin Daniel , J Starlin Deva Prince Prince, F Michael Raj

PR2T199 Design and Development of IOT-based Pest Monitoring Approach for

Smart Agriculture

F Michael Raj,  J Starlin Deva Prince Prince, E Bravin Daniel

PR2T200 Design and Fabrication of Pedal Powered Water Pump Filtration (WPF)

F Michael Raj,  E Bravin Daniel, J Starlin Deva Prince

PR2T201 Aerodynamic analysis of Fishing Boat using CFD

J Starlin Deva Prince, F Michael Raj, E Bravin Daniel

PR2T202 Analysis of an Economic Pyrolysis Plant to Convert Plastic Waste to Liquid Fuel

J Starlin Deva Prince Prince, P Arul Franco, A Amala Mithin Minther Singh,

PR2T203 Experimental Investigation on Water Treatment by using Cascade Filter

Sreekumara Ganapathy VS, N Gokulkannan, Indira S, Jaisil K, Joshan S, Nikhil M

PR2T204 Solar Tracking System for Efficient Power Generation

Jeron R, Bravin Daniel E, Jenish N J, Jebi winislin P

PR2T205 Automatic Breaking System

Cruz Sanju J M, Dharun D,  Dhanakotti@praveen  S, Dhinesh G S

PR2T206 Fabrication of Multi Purpose Agricultural Machine

Dhinesh G S, Bravin Daniel E, Jenish  N J

PR2T207 Electricity Power Generation from Revolving Door

Dhinesh GS, Bravin Daniel E, Dhanakotti@praveen S, Cruz Sanju J M, Dharun D

PR2T208 Pulley Based Movable Crane Robot

Jefrey bells R S, Bravin Daniel E, Jemi J A  Rebisha, Jenish  N J

PR2T209 Fabrication of Pick and Place Arm

Edwin Raja C, Bravin Daniel E, Efrin Raj M, Jebi winislin P

1TME058 Cloud data storage and security: A systematic look at problems, current solutions, and where things are going in the future

R S Kanakasabapathi, J E Judith

PR1T101 Decentralized Voting System using Block chain

Roshan Lal J, Joel Johnson, Harish Suresh Kumar, Shiny Malar F R

PR2T210 Fresh and hardened properties of concrete with the incorporation of recycled aggregate towards enhancing constructions and demolition waste management

R Rema, P Sony, J JeyaPratheksha, J Kannitha Micheal, G Libin Roy

PR2T211 Weld Bead Quality Prediction in MIG Welding of ASTM 106 Grade B Pipes for High Temperature Applications Using the Response Surface Methodology

Michael Raj F, Bravin Daniel E, Starlin Deva Prince J, Rakesh I P, Ajith Kumar S

PR2T212 Coating Material Model Development for Low Carbon Steels Using MCDM Criteria

Michael Raj F, Bravin Daniel E, Starlin Deva Prince J, Prakash E

PR2T213 Multifilament Waste Fishnet at T90° with Glass Fibre and Polyester Matrix: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

Michael Raj F, Bravin Daniel E, Starlin Deva Prince J, Vijayan P

PR2T214 Optimisation of the Mechanical Characteristics of a Polyester Matrix with Multifilament Discarded Fishnet/Glass Fibre

Michael Raj F, Bravin Daniel E, Starlin Deva Prince J, Dhayananth Jegan C

PR2T215 Cooling and Deep-Freezing Seafood in Mechanized Trawlers with Phase-Change Materials

Michael Raj F, Bravin Daniel E, Starlin Deva Prince J, Suresh Premil Kumar R

PR2T216 IOT Based Sewage Safety Monitoring System

A Annie Steffy Beula, D Minish, A Nazeem, S LinsinBedsho, L Julius Niwin,

PR1T102 Efficient Age Estimation using Face-Based Dynamic Patch Fusion

1V.Subitha,2 M.Supriya, 3J.Sunanthini

2TME051 Active Noise Cancellation in VTOL Aircrafts

Elaya Perumal Annamalai, Prithvijeet Saha, Varun Vashisht, Vishwesh Sadanand Yardi

2TME054 Simulation on various parameters of fluid injection Shock Vector Control in C-D Nozzle

Elaya Perumal, Prathamesh Banda, Sneha Maity, Satyam Sagar Sahu

2TME056 Numerical Simulation and Comparative Analysis of NACA 0012 and RAE 2822

Supercritical Airfoils

Elaya Perumal Annamalai, Lakkaraju Nithin Kumar, Ashutosh Kumar Anshu, Priyanka Chandrakant Bhandare

4TME075 Consumer Involvement and Purchase Pattern of Organic Food Products in Chennai City.

K Amudha, M Thaiyalnayaki

