Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing
Authors: Dr. Vijayalakshmi Chintamaneni, Dr. Haewon Byeon, Dr. Shrinivas T. Shirkande and Dr. R. Revathi
ISBN: 978-81-965302-6-6
Date of Publication: August 26, 2023
About the Book:
Image Processing has been the standard reference for the field of digital image processing for many years. Readers should have a firm grasp of calculus, linear algebra, probability, statistics, linear systems, and computer programming before picking up this book. Whether you’re in the medical imaging field, in machine vision, the graphic arts, or simply a home hobbyist, this book will provide you with the foundational knowledge you need to begin processing images immediately. This book is not going to bog you down in difficult mathematical formulae or lines of computer code since it is written for end users as well as an introduction for system designers, developers, and technical managers. Instead, it teaches you the fundamentals of digital image processing in plain, everyday language, accompanied by several sample photographs and a digital image processing programme that is already installed and ready to use on the accompanying disc.