
Financial Management

Authors: Prof. Anagha Bhope, Dr. Dattatraya Pandurang Rane, Mrs. Sadhana Ganesh Awate

Editor: Dr. Nilesh Anute

ISBN: 978-81-967968-0-8


Date of Publication: December 10, 2023

About the Book:

The most current and thorough treatment of the major topics and issues in corporate financial management is provided in this book on financial management. Making decisions in corporate finance using an analytical method is presented. You won’t find a more up-to-date Indian book than this one. It provides a structured approach that readers may use to fully grasp the ideas and theories presented. Its unique architecture allows it to adapt quickly to the ever-changing commercial and financial landscape of India. The book discusses financial management methods with sufficient coverage of analytical techniques, provides a comprehensive overview of the tax and regulatory environment, and covers a range of challenges in financial management.


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